Behold, a delicious spread of breakfast ideas, appetizers, sides, entrées, and yes – always yes – desserts. We even shared a few drink ideas to cozy up with by the fire. These recipes make delicious offerings for holiday meals and gatherings, but they would also make great gifts! Make a friend dinner and drop it by with a bottle of wine. Bake up some cookies and package them up for a family member. Dream big. Spread magic. It’s magical.

54 Easy Vegan Christmas Breakfast Ideas40 Easy Vegan Christmas Sides & Appetizers22 Easy Vegan Christmas Main Dishes70 Easy Vegan Christmas Desserts & Drinks

If you try any of these recipes be sure to take a picture and tag them #minimalistbaker on Instagram so we can get in on the holiday cheer. Have the loveliest holiday and enjoy time with loved ones, friends! Merry Christmas from our kitchen to yours. xo!

160 Vegan Christmas Recipes  - 3