Grains, rice and flour made out of grains are the energy-giving, starchy, staple foods in Indian kitchen (also in many other cuisines as well). Some of the grains and flour names mentioned below in the table are gluten free. Whether the whole grain or further processed product like flour, these food are valuable source of nutritious fiber and complex carbohydrates. They have long storage life that makes them a most practical foundation for everyday meals. They should be kept in airtight container in the pantry. Below is the handy table for grains, cereal that may help you. The table after that contains Indian flour names. The first column has English name and following columns have names in Indian regional languages. You will notice the links in the English column. Those links will provide you the list of recipes made using that ingredient. If I have missed any or if you know any regional language names, please let me know in comments below. I will try to add other languages in future. Your help is greatly appreciated. References: The Essential Marathi Cookbook by Kumudi Marathe Southern Flavours: The Best of South Indian Cuisine The essential Kerala Cookbook by Vijayan Kannampilly