If you thought my PB & Basil Sandwich was a little out there, this may be your sweet gateway drug into peanut butter basil neverland. The flavors meld together so perfectly in this shake that your guests will be left wondering what’s inside. But it’ll be so delicious they won’t care. It can be out little secret. Our delicious little secret. I made this recipe using regular vanilla ice cream but it could also be made vegan friendly with soy, almond or coconut-based vanilla ice cream and non-dairy milk. And while I used peanut butter powder, the real stuff could be subbed in if you don’t have the powder on hand. Just put your spin on it to make it your own. In.saaaanely delicious. I’m telling you, try this. You must. Put it on your summer bucket list. Serve it to your friends. They’ll be so impressed. And you’ll be so popular. It’s really a win-win-win if you think about it. Enjoy,Dana