After making the Peanut Buter M&Ms last week (by the way, a MUST try) I couldn’t resist testing a recipe for peanut butter eggs. Growing up my sister and I always had candy on hand during Easter, making it one of the holidays most prone to sugar highs. (Thanks, Ma!) And everyone knows peanut butter eggs are where it’s at. I mean, seriously. Cadbury who? However, I’d like to think I’ve turned a new leaf and no longer indulge in “cheap candy.” Instead, I make my own and must say it’s way better than the super processed junk both in flavor, freshness and health. Make a batch of these PB eggs and see for yourself. I bet you a giant chocolate Easter bunny that you’ll never go back to the original again (OK not really, but, you catch my drift. These eggies are bomb). These eggs are so luxurious and the perfect way to celebrate Easter (or unwind after a long, stressful day like some of us ahem do). The center is perfectly salty and moist and the dark chocolate shell envelopes the PB center perfectly. The two together? Too satisfying for words and crazy addicting, which probably explains why they’re all gone and it’s not even Easter yet. Boo-hooooo. Guess it’s off to make some more! Weeeeee!