The truth is, I’d been planning on making pumpkin pancakes for a while now I was just waiting till November. (Hi, November!) And as soon as I walked outside recently and needed a coat I knew it was time. Oh I love this time of year, and not just for the pumpkin pancakes. Can I just admit how much trouble I had with this recipe? I literally tested it 8 times – a new record around here. The problem was I was trying to pack too much pumpkin puree into the batter and it was causing them to be a bit too moist in the middle and not cook all the way through. IS THAT SUCH A CRIME? While we’re on the topic of admitting shortcomings, I also love too much. Just thought you should know. With all my failures I grew so frustrated I nearly threw in the towel on these guys. But for pumpkin pancakes, I knew must persevere. The final product was pretty sensational and totally worthy of sharing. Phew, that was a close one. These pancakes are perfection: the perfect balance of fluffy and dense, sweet, spicy, and packed with pumpkin flavor. Plus, they’re easy to make, requiring just 20 minutes and one bowl. Not to mention, no fancy ingredients required – just your fall-time pantry basics like pumpkin, almond milk, spices and maple syrup. Easy peasy and so worth the 20 minute effort. These beauties are absolutely phenomenal topped with a bit of Earth Balance and maple syrup. I even added a bit more pumpkin pie spice on top for aesthetic effect, but it took them to a new level of delicious – highly recommended. What more can I say about these cakes? Make them this fall! Your mouth will thank me.

Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes   Minimalist Baker Recipes - 52Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes   Minimalist Baker Recipes - 11Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes   Minimalist Baker Recipes - 51Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes   Minimalist Baker Recipes - 96Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes   Minimalist Baker Recipes - 32Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes   Minimalist Baker Recipes - 96Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes   Minimalist Baker Recipes - 5Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes   Minimalist Baker Recipes - 21Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes   Minimalist Baker Recipes - 8Vegan Pumpkin Pancakes   Minimalist Baker Recipes - 40